This CD is your gateway to VIDI's Presenter Professional and its Digital SoundStage™ capabilities: a combination of animation and multimedia capabilities in one product that pulls sound, pictures, and animation together in a 3D environment. This capability is not available anywhere else—not even on other computer platforms. Our product puts the Macintosh, and especially the Power Macintosh at the forefront of the multimedia, broadcast film and video, game, animation and graphic design markets.
What's on this CD?
The CD contains information, examples, and instructions for using and installing Presenter Professional. The folders on the CD are grouped by function and color coded to help you find the information you are looking for. The top-most folder contains the Introduction. Below this are the eight (blue) folders that contain information about the product and examples of uses. This is followed by two (dark blue) folders that provide a special look at the special 3D Sound And RealPhysics features. Below these, the eight (gray) folders contain the Presenter Professional software and support materials. The two (green) folders at the bottom contain the installation instructions and utilities. The list and description of all the folders follows:
To show you what can be done on Presenter Professional's Digital SoundStage™, we have start your journey through the CD with a welcome message placed on a virtual representation of a sound stage and a 3D multimedia sample that takes you on a journey through a trumpet, a noisy train and race car ride, and ending with a NBC presentation. Included are:
• Read Me First-introduces the CD
• Welcome-welcomes you to Presenter Professional's Digital SoundStage
• A 3D Multimedia Sample-a multimedia sample showing 3D Sound and Animation examples produced on the Digital SoundStage with Presenter Professional
Presenter Professional has been used for pre-visualization and creation of special effects for movies by studios such as Disney and Paramount, advertising and promotion for corporations such as NBC, medical reconstruction of human organs, business presentations, and advertising. Its ability to mix sound, pictures and animation in a 3D environment makes it vital to the game, multimedia and broadcast industries, to people like Syd Mead, world-renowned futurist designer, and to NASA, for its animated presentation of the docking of the space shuttle with the Russian space station shown on CNN and Nightline as it was actually occurring. Included with the Presenter Professional CD are:
• NASA Visualizations-still images by JF&A depicting space station and shuttle concepts
• Syd Mead Futures-still images and animations from concepts by futurist Syd Mead
• Still Images-still images from our users
• Interactive Multimedia-interactive multimedia projects from our users
• Animations-QuickTime movie projects from our users
• VIDI Profile-still image/text profile of Visual Information Development Inc.
• VIDI Promotions-propaganda
• User Profiles-still image/text profiles of some of our users
• TrueSound™ 3D Sound-used to generate natural sound and audio effects.
• RealPhysics™ Animators-used to generate unscripted animations
• PrePro Documentation-electronic file format of the printed reference manuals
• Presenter Professional 3.1-the pre-installed demo version of the ModelPro (3D modeling) and Presenter (Digital SoundStage)
• Models-sample models from our users
• Tutorials-a variety of tutorials about how to use Presenter Professional
• Sample Textures-from our users
• Sample Animators-working beta versions of upcoming motion animators
• PrePro & RenderMan-contains shaders provided by our users
• Resources-(text) general reference for animation, file translation, using MacRenderMan, etc.
• Acrobat Installer-installer for application needed to view some documents on this CD-ROM
• PrePro Installer-for installing Presenter Professional on another system/hard drive